Friday, September 09, 2005

Smithsonian Resident Association Program lectures

Well! I'll be damned! I forgot the SRA updates again. So here goes nothing:

TONIGHT: Roman Genius: Foundations of Empire with John P. Oleson (University of Victoria, Canada) and Kim J. Hartswick (George Washington University).

TOMORROW: Decoding Mycenaean Greek Heroic Culture with Thomas Palaima (University of Texas).

Monday, September 12: The Grandeur That Was--and Is--Rome (sold out) with Chef Savino Recine, Michele Scicolone, and Gail Forman. It's food--no wonder it's sold out!

Thursday, September 15: Medieval Italy—A Virtual Tour! with Alessandro Furlan of Altair4 Media in Rome.

Wednesday, September 21: Timeless Troy: A Virtual Tour! with Elizabeth Riorden (University of Cincinnati).

Saturday, September 24: The Splendor of Versailles with Anne-Marie Quette (Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris) and Philip Jacks (George Washington University). Related in the sense of the Classical tradition, anyway.

Saturday, September 24: The Golden Age of Venice with John Marciari (Yale University Art Gallery). Also related through the Classical tradition.

Hopefully, I'll remember those weekly reminders now...


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