Friday, September 09, 2005

Labor puellae cano.

Well, it's been another busy week. My schedule has finally settled down, and I believe my actual set of classes this semester will be Vergil's Aeneid, Petronius, second year Greek, Hellenistic history, a graduate level world mythology class, and 19th century fiction. I'm finding Vergil a bit easier to deal with now that we're using an actual Aeneid reader, rather than a mostly clean text of the Georgics. Perhaps I'll do better this semester. I've dumped the Early American history class, but I'm sure I'll be my usual obnoxious Classical self in 19th century fiction too. After all, the authors were all influenced by the Classics!

I was going to say that the last time I had this professor, I was not yet a Classics major, but I realised that even back then I spoke and wrote incessantly about the Classics. Oh well.

I've also spoken to one of my Classics professors about our MA program. I know it probably shouldn't be my first choice, but I wanted to apply to variety of programs. I also love our department, and it's actually affordable. But anyway, my professor has been an excellent help in suggesting schools and just in being encouraging. My biggest problem is that I started Latin and Greek late, but my prof assures me that my other studies are an asset. I really did need to hear that. Just knowing that somebody thinks it's possible makes the search so much easier. There have been times when my late start in Latin and Greek has almost paralysed me from trying to apply anywhere. I guess I'm still too self-conscious.

Anyway, this just came on the Classics-L list, a new production of Medea. I've still yet to see Medea live, and I wish I could go! Unfortunately, it is not to be.

Speaking of Greek tragedies, I've also just read this excellent article called "Prayer and Curse in Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes" in Classical Philology 100 (2005): 101-22 by Eva Stehle. I saw it mentioned in rogueclassicism a couple months ago and have been meaning to read it. I can't help it--I love Greek tragedies! Anyway, it's an absolutely brilliant article, and I feel like pimping it today! So get your hands on it if you can!

Oh, and just because I like pimping Latin, go here and vote for Latin!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the Fiona Shaw Medea a couple of years ago. Awesome.

Unfortunatel, this one comes at a rather bad time for me. But if you can make it up, the harlem theater productions are pretty great.

10:00 PM  
Blogger Glaukôpis said...

I'm quite jealous! Unfortunately, I doubt there's any way I'd make it up for this production.

10:50 PM  

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